Actually, I just thought about this topic while I'm browsing different sites. The idea just came across my mind and then, I feel like sharing it. :)

Okay. Each girl, I think, has their own "ideal guy", isn't it?. It may be a celebrity, yes, a normal person or someone that is perceived by pure "imagination". Now, let's start with my ideal. :)

First, PERSONALITY really matters for me. (well, who ain't?)

I like a guy who makes me smile without doing anything — I’m just happy to see him and to be with him

I like a guy who has a good sense of humor. Too serious guys scare me a bit.

I actually admire a guy who dances well

A guy who’s a bad boy type.

I like sweet and romantic guys (uhmm, is that the same?)

I like a guy who kisses me in the forehead which just means he respects me more than I think I know

I like a guy who shows that he loves me instead of simply telling me “I love you”

I like a guy who seldomly says I love you because he believes that no word can explain how much he loves me

A guy who have positive attitudes attracts me. Such as being a gentleman, being kind, and is brotherly. J

I like kind guys. The type that smiles at you when you’ve come across each other

I like a loyal guy

I like a guy who could sing me songs and be proud that I’m the one he’s dedicating it into

I like a guy who can sing ballads beautifully, dedicate it for you and make you fall in love with his voice even more

A guy who is smart attracts me even more

And lastly, I like guy who, whenever he puts you in his arms, you just can’t help but feel assured, comforted and protected

These are just some of my thoughts about what I like in a guy. I've got nothing else to do upon writing these, so please pardon me. :) hehe.

By the way, how about you, what type of guy is your ideal? Share with me. I'd be glad to exchange thoughts with you, guys. :)


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